Copies of accident reports from the police
Written summary of accident or injury details (see “What to Know” for suggestions)
Copies of emergency room records or admittance to hospital information
Copies of other current medical records, detailing treatment for injury.
Summary of medical expenses and doctor visits
Summary of loss of employment income because of injury or accident, including copies of pay stubs.
Summary of other instances of “pain and suffering” you’ve experienced because of the injury (embarrassment, harm to reputation, disfiguring scars, permanent physical disabilities, etc.)
Summary of any other financial losses as a result of the injury or accident (i.e. living expenses, rental car charges, car insurance premium increases, down payments for vacations you had to cancel) premium increases, down payments for vacations you had to cancel)
Copy of declaration page for personal insurance policy
If medical bills are paid by a health insurance, a copy of your insurance card.